In support of the children of Thailand, the American Legion Thailand, Brigadier General Robin Olds Post TH01, presented a check to the Tawanchai Foundation for 43,400 Baht ($1,500). This was donated by both members and non-members of Post TH01.

All the staff at Tawanchai Foundation are people with good hearts. They help children that are starting life at a great disadvantage. Hopefully, this donation will help them have a normal life. The American Legion Thailand, Brigadier General Robin Olds Post TH01, was proud to play a small part in the Tawanchai Foundation’s continued, charitable efforts.

เพื่อสนับสนุนลูกหลานของไทย American Legion Post TH01 นายพล Robin Olds ขอมอบเช็คนี้ต่อมูลนิธิตะวันฉาย เป็นจำนวนเงิน 43,400 บาท ($1,500.00) การบริจาคนี้มาจากสมาชิกของเราและไม่ใช่สมาชิก The American Legion Post TH01 ภูมิใจที่ได้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของมูลนิธิตะวันฉาย
Check out Post TH01 on The Tawanchai Foundation Website

On 24 May 2022, members of American Legion Post TH01, General Robin Olds traveled to Khon Kaen University to visit with the staff of the Tawanchai Foundation to present a donation from our post. The donations came from members and non-members and totaled 43,400 Baht ($1,500.00).

The Tawanchai Foundation deals with children that are born with cleft lip and cleft palate. They do corrective surgery, teach and train parents on how to care for their children, and provide medical supplies, transportation, and mental health services. All at no cost.

Many of the patients come from very poor families who could not afford to have their children treated. The foundation gives these children a shot at a normal life. I have seen the results of corrective surgery and it is truly amazing the difference it makes.

I am proud of our post for donating to this very worthy cause. I thank all that have donated. One of the pillars of the legion is Children and Youth. Our post firmly believes in helping the children.
Check out The Tawanchai Foundation Website for More Info.